Glue traps and boards not only pose risks to our local ecosystems but also result in a slow, cruel, and inhumane death for any creature caught.

Glue traps are indiscriminate and often lead to the unintended capture of federally protected birds and other wildlife.
We empathize with the intention behind using glue traps and glue boards; however, as stewards of wildlife, we must emphasize that this method is not ideal.
Glue traps/boards are indiscriminate and often lead to the unintended capture of federally protected birds and other wildlife, such as this Carolina Wren. (See Photo)
Glue traps and boards not only pose risks to our local ecosystems but also result in a slow, cruel, and inhumane death for any creature caught.
At For The Birds of Acadiana, we have seen firsthand the unfortunate consequences of glue traps in our community. Among the many species that fall victim to these traps, in our experience, the Carolina Wren has emerged as the most frequently caught federally protected bird.
We understand that many people place glue traps in their garages or carports with the best of intentions, hoping to manage pesky rodents or insects. However, the unintended consequence is often heartbreaking.
Most often, it is our beloved federally protected birds that suffer. As insectivores, Carolina Wrens are naturally inclined to investigate the insects stuck to these traps, and tragically, they find themselves trapped and in distress.

Our mission at For The Birds of Acadiana is rooted in education and empathy. We recognize that many individuals simply do not know the impact of these traps until it is too late.
It is an ongoing campaign to raise awareness about the devastation and cruelty associated with glue traps, but we remain committed to helping our community learn and grow.
Should you ever find yourself in a situation where a bird has become trapped, know that we are here to assist. Call us at 337-501-4523
We are dedicated to rehabilitating these precious birds and ensuring they have the opportunity to recover fully.

For those dealing with pest issues, we encourage you to consider humane alternatives that protect both your living space and our feathered friends. Options such as exclusion methods, natural repellents, and live traps can be effective without causing harm to our wildlife.
Together, we can make a difference and foster a more compassionate environment for all living beings.
Thank you for joining us in this vital mission!
Julie S. Rabalais
Founder / Director
We are a licensed, non-profit wildlife rehabilitation facility funded solely through donations. Thank you for your support.
For The Birds of Acadiana is a non-profit organization, classified as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions may be deductible to the extent permitted by applicable laws. Consult with your tax professional for details. Our Federal Tax ID number is 85-1024416.