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Mallard / BBWD Release 09/2023

Chuck-will's-widow Rehab and Release

Heron Release

Yellow-crowned Night Heron Release

It Takes a Village
With the help of private citizens, volunteers and local animal control agencies we receive nearly 1,000 injured, ill and orphaned wild birds annually. Click here to see some recent rescue stories.

What We Do



Your gift can support the operations of For The Birds of Acadiana, which cares for nearly 1,000 wild songbirds, waterbirds and waterfowl annually, with an anticipated 15% increase in intakes each year. For The Birds of Acadiana is supported solely through private contributions without state or federal financial assistance. Depending on the species, the average cost to rehabilitate one bird is between $100 and $300. No fee is charged to receive these birds into our care; therefore, your contribution enables us to provide the best treatment of the birds in our care. SUPPORT US TODAY.
Oil Spill Response Assistance

Depending on the illness or injury, recovery may take just a few days or can involve weeks of extensive rehabilitation. Some birds require intense supportive care while others just need time to heal.
Some birds that are admitted to our rehabilitation center aren’t injured at all. Many birds admitted are orphaned, displaced or just too young to care for themselves. If they cannot be reunited with their parents, these wild babies are given special around the clock feedings and care.
Click here to see some recent rehab stories.

We advocate for the responsible concern and conservation of our federally protected feathered friends. State and federal laws protect nearly all wild birds.
Occasionally we are available for educational talks or presentations. Contact us for more information.
We provide the highest quality of supportive care for all of our intakes in order to give them the best chance at returning to the wild. We have had countless successes over the years, and release day is an exciting moment for everyone involved.
Please take a look at our website to learn more about our mission and to see some of our recent releases.
For the Birds of Acadiana's executive director is FEMA and HAZWOPER certified. We assist state and other certified organizations with cleaning and rehabilitating locally oiled birds when the need arises.

Community Partners
For the Birds of Acadiana is pround to partner with Moncus Park to bring rehabilitated federally protected birds to the 100 acre park.
Providing a safe and healthy environment for these birds is a crucial part of supporting the local wildlife community. Not only are these birds thriving in the park, but they are also a source of joy for the park visitors.
We are thrilled to be part of the effort to bring more wildlife into our community and look forward to continuing our partnership with Moncus Park.